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Table 1 Baseline characteristics (N = 304)

From: Using patient data to optimize an expert-based guideline on convalescence recommendations after gynecological surgery: a prospective cohort study

Patient characteristics

Age (years ± SD)

45.3 ± 7.5

Dutch nationality

292 (96.1%)

Education levela



33 (10.9%)


124 (40.8%)


147 (48.4%)

Smoking status


176 (57.9%)


66 (21.7%)


62 (20.4%)

Surgery-related characteristics

Type of surgery

 Laparoscopic adnexal surgery

109 (35.9%)

 Laparoscopic hysterectomy

79 (26.0%)

 Vaginal hysterectomy

58 (19.1%)

 Abdominal hysterectomy

58 (19.1%)

Health-related characteristics

Perceived health status (median (IQR))

80.0 (70.0–90.0)

Under treatment by another specialist

130 (42.8%)

History of previous abdominal surgery

110 (36.2%)

Work-related characteristics

Type of work

 Salary employed

256 (84.2%)


42 (13.8%)

 Voluntary work

6 (2.0%)

Work hours per week (mean ± SD)

29.9 ± 9.4

Sick leave prior to surgeryb

108 (35.5%)

RTW expectation (long)c

50 (16.4%)

RTW intention (low)d

66 (21.7%)

  1. Data present the number of patients (%), unless otherwise indicated
  2. aLow = preschool, primary school; intermediate = secondary school; high = tertiary school, university, or postgraduate
  3. bDefined as at least 1 day of abcence
  4. cDefined as expectation longer than 3 weeks for adnexal surgery, longer than 6 weeks for laparoscopic or vaginal hysterectomy, or longer than 8 weeks for abdominal hysterectomy
  5. dA higher score indicates a higher intention to return to work despite physical symptoms (range 1–5). A low intention was defined as score 1 or 2