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Table 2 Intraoperative managements (N = 551)

From: Intraoperative serum lactate levels as a prognostic predictor of outcome for emergency abdominal surgery: a retrospective study

Intraoperative managements

Survival (N = 431)

Mortality (N = 120)

P value

Operation time (min)

135 [00, 189]

137 [96, 188]


Hemorrhage (mL)

40 [0, 254]

95 [2, 802]


Total fluid administration (mL)

3200 [2200, 4710]

4185 [2353, 6679]


 - Transfusion, yes (%)

152 (35.3)

96 (80.0)

 < 0.001

 - Amount of RBC Transfusion (units)

0 [0, 2]

4 [0, 6]

 < 0.001

 - Crystalloid administration (mL)

2600 [1750, 3900]

2600 [1375, 4725]


 - HES/colloid administration (mL)

0 [0, 500]

225 [0, 500]


Urine output (mL)

245 [100, 400]

113 [0, 300]

 < 0.001

MAX VIS (points)

0 [0, 15]

22 [10, 42]

 < 0.001

Lactate measurement

 - Initial-LAC (mmol/L)

1.56 [1.03, 2.64]

3.46 [1.84, 6.26]

 < 0.001

 - Intra-LAC (mmol/L)

1.80 [1.19, 3.01]

4.22 [2.15, 7.13]

 < 0.001

 - Post-LAC (mmol/L)

1.70 [1.11, 2.77]

3.72 [1.97, 7.36]

 < 0.001

 - LAC-C (%)

5.78 [-20.6, 39.5]

2.88 [-19.0, 28.4]


  1. Continuous variables were reported as medians with interquartile ranges, and the Mann–Whitney U test was used for analysis. Categorical variables are presented as frequencies (%) and were analyzed using Fisher’s exact test. RBC Red blood cell, MAX VIS Maximum vasoactive inotropic score, initial-LAC Initial lactate level, intra-LAC Intraoperative peak lactate level, post-LAC Postoperative lactate level, LAC-C Intraoperative lactate clearance