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Table 7 Patients’ follow-up data with morbidity and main complaints

From: Risk factors for early and late morbidity in patients with cardiovascular disease undergoing inguinal hernia repair with a tailored approach: a single-center cohort study


All patients

n = 185

CVD group

n = 69

NO group

n = 116


Morbidity, n (%)

52 (24.6%)

18 (26.1%)

34 (29.3%)


Dysesthesia, n (%)

27 (14.6%)

11 (15.9%)

15 (13.8%)


Recurrence, n%

5 (2.7%)

1 (1.4%)

4 (3.4%)


Chronic pain ≥ 4 (NRS) follow up, n (%, N)

18 (9.7%)

5 (7.2%)

13 (11.2%)


Late Hematoma, n (%)

7 (3.7%)

2 (2.9%)

5 (4.3%)


Late Wound Infection, n (%)

2 (1.1%)

1 (1.4%)

1 (0.9%)

  1. Data are presented as total number and percentages (%). The p-value indicates no statistical significant difference for the overall morbidity. No further testing was performed due to the complex cross table and the little incidences in the individual complaints