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Table 1 Clinical data of the patients in this study

From: Transscrotal transverse incision for the treatment of middle and low cryptorchidism in children: experience from 796 cases



Number of patients


Age, median (range)

2 years (10 month-7 years)

Weight,median (range)

14 (9.5–25)kg

No. transcrotalorchidopexies

 Left side

243 (30.5%)

 Right side

463 (58.2%)


90 (11.3%)

Operation time, median (range)


20 (13-28 min)


41 (20-49 min)

Time of hospital stay, median (range)

1 (1–2)days

Duration of follow-up, median (range)

3.8 years (10 month-6.5 years)

Incision length, median (range)

1.6 (1.0–2.1)cm