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Table 3 Baseline characteristics of studies included in the meta-analysis

From: Single-incision versus standard multi-incision laparoscopic colectomy in patients with malignant or benign colonic disease: a systematic review, meta-analysis and assessment of the evidence

Author, year (country)

No. of patients

Age in years

Gender (M/F)

BMI in kg/m2

ASA (1, 2, 3)

Type of colectomy (left/right)

Cancer stage (1, 2, 3)

Huscher et al. [26], 2012 (Italy)


70 ± 11

15 / 17

not reported

8 (25 %),

SILC: 8/8



(16 vs. 16)

(mean ± SEM)

15 (47 %),

MLC: 10/6

5 (31 %),

4 (25 %),


9 (28 %)


7 (44 %),

9 (56 %),


4 (25 %)

3 (19 %)

Poon et al. [16], 2012 (China)


SILC: 67 (37-83)a

SILC: 14 / 11

SILC: 23.2 (16.9-28.8)a

6 (12 %),

SILC: 17b/8



(25 vs. 25)

MLC: 67 (57-81)a

MLC: 18 / 7

MLC: 23.6 (16.5-28.2)a

37 (74 %),

MLC: 16b/9

8 (32 %),

5 (20 %),


7 (14 %)


7 (28 %),

4 (16 %),


6 (24 %)

12 (48 %)

  1. M Male, F Female, BMI body mass index, ASA American Society of Anaesthesiologists, SILC Single-incision laparoscopic colectomy, MLC multi-incision laparoscopic colectomy
  2. aData are given as median with range bincluding anterior resection and sigmoidectomy