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Table 4 Conversion of MDT treatment recommendations

From: Multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with complex extremity defects: a retrospective analysis of treatment recommendations and prognostic factors for non-implementation

Reason for non-implementation

MDT treatment recommendation

Final course of action

Patient’s preference

Implant removal ankle, free flap reconstruction lower leg

Implant removal, conservative wound treatment, shock wave therapy

Patient’s preference

Lower leg amputation

Conservative wound treatment, negative pressure therapy

Patient’s preference

Lower leg amputation

Conservative wound treatment

Patient’s preference

Lower leg amputation

Ilizarov bone transport

Patient’s preference

Free flap reconstruction, ankle arthrodesis with bone grafting

Free flap reconstruction, simple osteosynthesis

Patient’s preference

Lower leg amputation

Conservative wound treatment, negative pressure therapy

Comorbidity (severe PVD)

AV-Loop, free flap reconstruction lower leg

Iliac artery angioplasty, femoral artery angioplasty,

PTA A. poplitea, lower leg amputation, prosthesis

Comorbidity (severe PVD)

Vascular imaging, free flap reconstruction, lower limb amputation

Transfemoral amputation

New clinical information (insufficient perfused soft tissue and muscles)

Humerus reconstruction by fibular free flap reconstruction, plate osteosynthesis, radial artery reconstruction, fasciocutaneous free flap reconstruction, median nerve reconstruction through sural nerve grafting

Upper limb amputation, prosthesis

New clinical information (new inguinal wound healing problem)

Femur-removal, lower leg amputation, reconstruction with osteomyocutaneous turn-up plasty as described by Sauerbruch

Femur-removal, lower leg amputation, reconstruction with osteomyocutaneous turn-up plasty as described by Sauerbruch, pedicled flap reconstruction

Comorbidity (severe PVD)

Vascular imaging, Free flap reconstruction, lower limb amputation

Transfemoral amputation

New clinical information (soft tissue of forefoot viable)

Forefoot amputation, chimeric free flap reconstruction of foot

Osteosynthesis, free flap reconstruction of the feet, skin grafting

  1. MDT multidisciplinary team, PVD peripheral vascular disease, PTA percutaneous transluminal angioplasty