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Table 1 Characteristics of the 751 patients who entered the operating room

From: Has the non-resection rate decreased during the last two decades among patients undergoing surgical exploration for pancreatic adenocarcinoma?

Sex Ratio (M/F)

1.05 (384/367)

Median Age (range)

67 (25–86)

Mean BMI (±SD)

24.7 (±4.35)

Period (%)

 1 (February 2000–March 2011)

224 (30)

 2 (April 2011–August 2019)

527 (70)

Biliary Stenting (%)

418 (58%)

Work up Imaging (%)


751 (100)

 Liver Magnetic Resonance Imaging

407 (54)

 Positron Emission Tomography

69 (9)

Median delay CT-Surgery (days) (range)

18 (1–55)

Mean CA 19–9 serum level* (UI) (±SD) (after jaundice resolution)

552 (±1200)

Neoadjuvant Treatment (%)

337 (45)

Explorative Laparoscopy (%)

82 (11)

Type of Surgery (%)

 Exploration without Resection

184 (25)


384 (51)

 Distal Pancreatectomy

146 (19)

 Total Pancreatectomy

37 (5)

 Venous Resection

159 (21)

 Arterial Resection

19 (2.4)

 En-bloc Resection of Neighbours Organs

43 (5.7)

Reason of Non-resection (%)


35 (5)

 Liver Metastasis

49 (7)

 Vascular Invasion

75 (10)

 Distant Lymph Node Invasion

25 (3)

 Mean Size of Extra Pancreatic Metastasis (mm) (±SD)

7.5 (±4.6)

Morbidity (%)

 Resected patients (Overall / Grades 3 to 5 Clavien-Dindo)

279 (49) / 85 (15)


47 (8)

 Clinically Revelant Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula

108 (219


43 (8)

 Non-resected patients (Overall / Grades 3 to 5 Clavien-Dindo)

33 (1.8) / 6 (3.2)

30- / 90-days Mortality (%)

 Resected patients

24 (4.2) / 30 (5.3)

 Non-resected patients

4 (2.2) / 10 (5.4)

Pathologic Findings (Resected patients)

 T1/2 (%)

205 (36)

 T3/4 (%)

362 (64)

 Median Number of Lymph Nodes (range)

13 (2–44)

 N+ (%)

329 (58)

 R1 (%)

258 (46)

 Perineural Invasion (%)

385 (68)

Adjuvant Treatment (%)(Resected patients)

352 (62)

  1. (BMI Body Mass Index; SD Standard Deviation, * at diagnosis)