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Table 5 Pearson correlation test between number of retrieved lymph nodes and number of metastatic nodes, N status, NR, LODDS

From: Prognostic role of nodal ratio, LODDS, pN in patients with pancreatic cancer with venous involvement

Correlation between of retrieved lymph nodes and number or metastatic nodes

 Sample size


 Correlation coefficient r


 Significance level

p < 0.0001

 95% coefficient interval for r

0.192 to 0.398

Correlation between of retrieved lymph nodes and N status

 Sample size


 Correlation coefficient r


 Significance level

p = 0.026

 95% coefficient interval for r

0.015 to 0.237

Correlation between of retrieved lymph nodes and N ratio

 Sample size


 Correlation coefficient r


 Significance level

p = 0.001

 95% coefficient interval for r

−0.299 to −0.082

Correlation between of retrieved lymph nodes and LODDS

 Sample size


 Correlation coefficient r


 Significance level

p = 0.154

 95% coefficient interval for r

−0.193 to 0.031

  1. NR nodal ratio, LODDS log odds of positive lymph nodes