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Table 2 Comparison of therapeutic effectiveness in patients with and without percutaneous drainage

From: Therapeutic effectiveness of percutaneous drainage and factors for performing an interval appendectomy in pediatric appendiceal abscess


Without drainage (%)

With drainage (%)

R ecurrence


73 (6.79)

5 (3.33) a


1002 (93.21)

145 (96.67)

Interval appendectomy (IA)


174 (16.19)

11 (7.33) a


901 (83.81)

139 (92.67)

Postoperative complications after IA


10 (5.75)

0 (0) a


164 (94.25)

11 (100)

  1. a Significantly greater therapeutic effectiveness in patients with drainage compared with those without drainage (p < 0.05)