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Table 1 Patients’ demographics and characteristics were presented by year (N = 417)

From: Case review analysis of operating room decisions to cancel surgery



(n = 417)



  mean ± SD

56.9 ± 22.5

  (minimum, maximum)

(1, 96)

Numbers of Age > 65 yrs

184 (44.1%)




211 (50.6%)


206 (49.4%)

ASA physical status



34 (8.1%)


148 (35.5%)


203 (48.7%)


25 (6.0%)


7 (1.7%)

Surgery cancelled after anesthesiaa



31 (12.7%)


213 (87.3%)

Cause of surgery cancellation


  Inadequate NPO before anesthesia

14 (3.4%)

  Medical reason

246 (59.0%)

  Surgical reason

36 (8.6%)

  System reason

8 (1.9%)

  Airway issue

5 (1.2%)

  Family issue

34 (8.2%)

  Incomplete evaluation

74 (17.7%)

Follow-up procedureb


  Received operation at a later time

277 (67.1%)

  Did not receive operation

136 (32.9%)

  1. Data are presented as mean ± SD with range (minimum, maximum) for age and n(%) for other variables.
  2. a173 patients were missing.
  3. b4 patients were missing.