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Fig. 4 | BMC Surgery

Fig. 4

From: Application of double plate fixation combined with Masquelet technique for large segmental bone defects of distal tibia: a retrospective study and literature review

Fig. 4

A 44-year-old woman’s left leg was injured by a heavy object, resulting in fracture of the tibia and fibula and fluid exudation for a period of over 3 months. A/B/C/D Appearance and X-ray of the patient's left calf upon admission. E/F Left calf expansion wound and postoperative X-ray. G/H/I One week later, the tibial bone defect was filled using cement spacer. J/K/L Six weeks later, the induced membrane was cut longitudinally and the cement spacer was removed. The distal tibia was fixed with double plates, and iliac bone was removed to make bone granules, which were mixed with PRP and packed into the defective tibial region(K Using PRP). M/N/O X-ray and CT reconstruction show bone reconstruction after bone grafting. P/Q/R 21 months after bone grafting, the foot and ankle function recovered well.The Iowa ankle score was 94

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