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Fig. 3 | BMC Surgery

Fig. 3

From: A modified Blumgart method using a homemade crochet needle facilitates pancreaticojejunostomy in laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy: a retrospective cohort study

Fig. 3

Intraoperative images of the modified Blumgart pancreaticojejunostomy procedure. (A) The specimen was removed first, and then pancreaticojejunostomy was performed. (B) A large 4 − 0 needle penetrated the pancreas 1 cm from the edge of the pancreatic stump. (C and D) A U-shaped suture was created to encompass the posterior wall of the pancreatic parenchyma and the jejunal seromuscular layer and was fixed outside the body by a homemade crochet needle. (E and F) The pancreatic duct and jejunal mucosa were sutured together with an internal pancreatic stent. (G) A third U-shape suture was placed between the pancreatic parenchyma and the jejunal seromuscular layer. (H) A single layer of continuous sutures was placed between the pancreatic stump and the anterior seromuscular layer of the jejunum using the 3/0 barbed suture Stratafix. (I) Final image after pancreaticojejunostomy

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