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Table 1 Demographic data of enrolled patients

From: Efficacy of various surgical approaches in treating hematospermia using transurethral seminal vesiculoscopy

Age, year (mean ± SD)

40.49 ± 11.40

Duration, month, median (interquartile range)

14.50 (9.25, 36.0)

Side of the lesion, n (percentage)


39 (57.35%)


29 (42.65%)

Fresh bleeding revealed by MRI, n (percentage)


7 (10.29%)


61 (89.71%)

Seminal tract stones/cysts, n (percentage)



43 (63.24%)


25 (36.76%)

Surgical approach, n (percentage)



45 (66.18%)


14 (20.59%)


9 (13.23%)

  1. A: the natural ejaculatory duct approach, B: transurethral resection/incision of ejaculatory duct (TURED/TUIED) combined with seminal vesiculoscopy, C: the fenestration in prostatic utricle (PU) combined with seminal vesiculoscopy