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Table 2 Clinical and biochemical parameters of the study population at 1-week post-surgery

From: Laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair for treating patients with massive hiatal hernia and iron-deficiency anaemia


At baseline (mean ± SD)

1 week after surgery (mean ± SD)

T value

P value


3.72 ± 0.719

4.290 ± 0.672



HB (g/L)

76.57 ± 13.87

99.28 ± 13.86




0.295 ± 0.046

0.345 ± 0.046



MCV (fL)

74.92 ± 9.01

80.92 ± 8.59



MCH (pg)

22.08 ± 3.99

25.29 ± 3.85



MCHC (g/L)

287.94 ± 23.71

299.66 ± 28.14



  1. Hb Haemoglobin, PCV Packed cell volume, MCV Mean corpuscular volume, MCH Mean corpuscular haemoglobin, MCHC Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, RB Red blood cell, SD Standard deviation